Conversation Between okay469 and ne0fiend

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Rain i miss rain so gaddam humid up here.Our vehicles dont run as awesome with the swamp ass weather.maybe ill make it to E-town sometime this summer depending on wat BS problem i run into next haha
  2. Where you at?! Been raining like a sumbitch here dude. Can't wait to get some dry weather and bang some gears at the 1/8 mile...
  3. hahaha nah but i banged em for almost a grand between car detailing and some mechanic bills that were not kosher.they did have a sign in the window that they were lookin for glass installers i now know why
  4. I heard a Safelite commercial on the radio on the way to work this morning and busted out laughing.
    You own that company yet?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4