Conversation Between Mikat1 and RyanJM

3 Visitor Messages

  1. car is a beast with the MS3
  2. Retuning with a 90mm MAF to get more air into the intake. Time for the ford 9". I can tell you with my 18x10's wrapped with bfg kdw nt 275/35's it will break the tires loose and start sliding sideways at 40 to 45 even on a hot day. The installer/tuner and I guess closs to 385 to 400 with a good tune. Will tell you soo as I have time to dyno comparing to other LS1 cam installs.
  3. Nice car man. Just curious to see what kind of number you are putting down with that Cam (HP/tq ).... also track times if you have run it.
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