Conversation Between 02Sweet and Spaz

7 Visitor Messages

  1. sounds good
  2. life's been good... i'm still waiting on my damned home buyers credit... once i get that i'll have a nice new hood, fix my rear 1/4 panel and hopefully new rims...
  3. I clean business/offices. Good money so far.
    Upgrades are just suspension stuff/stall converter and random fixing of issues.

    Im hoping I can make enough to buy a cam kit too but we'll see.

    How's life treating you?
  4. jebus!!! what kind of business did you start??? what upgrades are you making?!?
  5. Been working 3 jobs. Life is killing me. I'll be around in the spring. Started my own business and that consumes ALL of my time. Also I rent a garage in quakertown now right next to the pool. Camaro going in for upgrades after I get from carlilse
  6. havent' seen ya in a while man... how have ya been???
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