Conversation Between mark21742 and c5z28

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Yup that's the wifey lol I left her there on the floor, went home and got a bunch of work done in the garage that night lol
  2. Who's she, your girl?
  3. One ours friend's husband called me last friday night when I was on my way home and said she drunk and I should come pick her to their house and found her like that passed out on the kitch floor lol. Gotta love chocolate martinis.
  4. Do I even want to know what your new avatar is?
  5. no I don't, I hope to it a show this year that has the portable dyno

    but it did give me a nice bump across the rpm band
  6. I have been trolling your threads about that 220/224 cam of your-do you have any dyno #'s?
  7. You thread bombing my profile? good night man
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8