Conversation Between 67CamaroRSSS and c5z28

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks got it out today, it wasn't fun.
  2. No, at least not a 4L60E. I don't imagine it's any harder than pulling it's cousins (PG, TH350 & 400 or 700R4 - I have pulled those) though.
  3. Ever pull a 4l60e?
  4. Clicked his avatar, bigger pic is on his homepage.
  5. References to drugs are prohibited. See the "Kids getting high on aural BS" in AAG. It's ok, I kinda sorta expected it...
  6. haha what did you do for the ink?
  7. Seems someone doesn't like the way I think
    At least I didn't get ink this go around
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7