Conversation Between Spaz and Firebug

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi mate! I'm still alive...
  2. Cheers mate, same to you and yours!!
  3. happy holidays bug!!!
  4. big time... any other place i'd just walk out and find a new job... i actually care about the business and want it to succeed but i'im jsut tired of it...
  5. Harder to walk out on the family business I suppose...
  6. i work for the family moving company... i work in the office now days since my back's been giving me shit for the past 10 years or so...
  7. What is it that you do?
  8. negative... still hanging in while searching... no one wants to pay what i'm making now...
  9. Thanx so much mate...

    Any luck finding a new job... ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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