Conversation Between JoshuaGrooms83 and TA98

6 Visitor Messages

  1. no sorry. I tryed ot look up the history in my ebay feedback review, but Im not sure what company on ebay i got it from anymore, its been a few years now. I wanna say speedfreaks, but i cant be sure. It might be though cause when i look up the store in ebay, it poped up alot of f-body parts. you never know, they might have a good hood on there if your shopping for one.
  2. Do you know what company it was?
  3. yeah. $350 off of ebay
  4. alright thanks. it looks like one of the nicest ive seen. especially since it was off ebay im sure the price was good
  5. You know, i dont even remember anymore, it was some company off of ebay lol But it fits great. The gaps are pretty even and not HUGE like alot of aftermarkets are. Let me look on my ebay account and see what company i got it from and ill get back to you on that one if your interested.
  6. what aftermarket hood is that? it looks just as nice as the factory hood
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6