Conversation Between MrMasterCraft and DVrec21

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks bro!!! Yeh that pic attracts alot of attention on facebook. Also whenever we ride out together we'll take my car and his truck with everybody else inside. People just stare, I've been asked if they were both mine lol.
  2. Oh and by the way... I love the two pewter GMs. Not only is my Z pewter just like yours, but my 02 yukon is as well. Great pair you got there man
  3. I haven't done a thing to 'em. Previous owner may have, but I never asked... I'll have to take a closer look, I know they appear to be a little smaller than I think the factory ones should be. I'll check and let you
  4. No way! There sickk! Are you sure, u didnt even put that yellow tape over them?? They look sick either way.
  5. As far as I know, they're factory?
  6. yoo what kind of fogs do u have bro?? There pretty hot!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6