Conversation Between hutch1999 and Spaz

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hope all has been well in the land of!
  2. i know what you mean...
  3. WHAT'S UP LS1 BROTHER? I hope all is going well for you. Not being around my ls1 for some reason makes me not want to come on here as much lol. It stays parked in the garage at my parents while I'm a hour and a half away from it lol.
  4. where ya at bud???
  5. sucks about sarge and thanks man.
  6. sarge has been awol for a while... miss the fellow... he's a good guy... i hope all goes well for ya with school and all!!!
  7. hey bro, everything is going really good actually. I've just been really busy with school getting started back up. Does anyone know what happened to Sarge yet?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
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