Conversation Between 9t8z28 and Spaz

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. yup.... that is him...
  2. Does your dad have a plane at Pennridge Airport? I am there skydiving now and I think I see your dad and the Vette?
  3. (610) 401-6368
  4. still haven't got another one yet... i got a new phone and lost everyonees number...
  5. Sorry, I haven't checked here awhile. Did you ever get a wiper arm? Give me a call if you still need it.
  6. sold!!!
  7. $20
  8. awesome!!! how much do you want for it???
  9. Sorry, I just saw this. Yeah, I got it. LMK if you want it. You can come pick it up if you like.
  10. hey bran... any chance you have the passenger side wiper arm from your camaro???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 47
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