Conversation Between vonskeezy28 and c5z28

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. k thanks man
  2. I did the partial whistler which only paints the vertical surface so no reflectivity was lost. I have never driven with the full whistler lights so I couldn't tell you.
  3. haha
  4. Ahhh I was bored and it cured my money fever to not get an slp grille. At this point I could probably just pull the paint off
  5. boo maybe sand it down or smooth it down? primer paint and cleared?
  6. spray can, about 6 months later the paint is peeling from all the rocks and bugs that pelt it.
  7. just trying to piss him off
  8. he does it to everyone-he owns a mazda(fluffy) I wouldn't take shit talking from a mazda owner seriously.
  9. hahahha. didnt even see that. i just saw blkclouds name. hes been talking shit..
  10. yah in good time they have the dyno day thread in the gtg section on norcal they are trying to start.
    and try and leave 3 year old threads dead mkay
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