Conversation Between Spikito and RyanJM

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Ok no.problem just let me.know when your ready.
  2. Ok well I'll try to schedule something in January or so.
  3. Sweet...its not as bad as all those threads that get posted on here....from 6 ft away it looks just fine, ill see about getting some pics to you. Is it something you could do in a day if i made a trip down there? or would i need to leave it awhile?
  4. Well have to see it but usually just have to wet sand it with between 1500 and 2000 grit, the compound it, and swirl remove, and a coat of glaze. I use all 3m products just never got into the meguirs stuff. Usually between $200 and $300 on avg depending on how bad it is. I have rarely had cars that I have had to charge more on unless if was really bad.
  5. OK so I'm in Tyler, a little north of you, bought an SS and it needs help, lots of swirls, some light scratches, and plenty of orange peel.....what could you do?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6